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written by ミネルバ企画 うつぎ・れい( 宇津木 令 )    連絡先はこちら

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                    2005.10.6. ミネルバ企画 うつぎ・れい より



 特に注目すべきは、専門家の評価が最も高い以下のタイトルが、まだ今のところは一冊も翻訳刊行されていない( 翻訳中という可能性は無論ありますが )という事です。内容その他の要素から、以下の3冊を紹介推薦します。

[ 尚、末尾にその他の未訳本リストも付しておきます。]

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず [ 推薦! ]  表紙写真 ( 別画面 )

Awakening to Animal Voices: A Teen Guide to Telepathic Communication
(Dawn Baumann Brunke, 2004).
Although written for teens, this book is a must for any adult interested in animal communication! My friend Dawn describes her book as follows:
The focus of this book is on engaging our natural abilities to connect, commune and talk with animals. Animal communication is explored as a primary tool, as is developing a variety of experiential skills through meeting animal guides, exploring animal myths, and observing and participating in animal encounters (from meeting animals in the everyday world to in our dreams and via shamanic voyaging techniques). We also explore developing a partnership with animals (including our fellow humans) via healing, shapeshifting and becoming more conscious in sharing death experiences.

Awakening to Animal Voices explores a diversity of simple, elegant and easy tools, methods, ideas, exercises, experiments and games that can help us to open ourselves and deepen in our relationships. As each individual relates to the world in a unique way, the focus of information is on variety. This book looks at -- and celebrates -- the richness of the many diverse ways we may open to the essential oneness of animals, others, and ourselves, and, as a result, express a fuller, more consciously alive, awakened self in the world.

This book teaches teens how to connect with animals and the world at large in a deeper, more meaningful way. It shows how telepathic communication with animals can enhance all teen [and adult!] relationships with nature, themselves, and others. Contains exercises, games, and visualizations to enter into communication with all life. Includes conversations between animals and professional animal communicators.

As companions, helpers, and spiritual guides, animals have always held a special relationship with the human community. Awakening to Animal Voices helps teens [and as noted, adults] access their natural ability to communicate with the animal kingdom and open more profoundly to life, other human beings, and the deeper nature within themselves.

Through games, exercises, experiments, and stories, teens will learn to tune into the subtler whispers of nature. They will discover their personal animal guide and learn the spiritual tools of shamanic journeys, dreamwork, visualizations, and shapeshifting. Filled with advice from animal communication professionals and actual conversations with animals, Awakening to Animal Voices is an invitation to explore our inner way of knowing; to communicate more effectively with others; and to express a more consciously alive self in the world

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず [ 推薦! ]  表紙写真 ( 別画面 )

What Your Animals Tell Me: Through True Stories, An Animal Communicator Reveals the Fascinating and Heart-Warming Inner World of Our Pets
(Monica Diedrich, 2001)
In this book, you will learn:

* How to communicate with your pets
* How to help heal them and relieve suffering or stress
* Whether animals have souls
* Where they go when they die
* How they communicate from the other side
* That they understand about death and euthanasia
* They take pride in their appearance
* How they establish a pecking order
* That they love us totally and unconditionally
* Why they have "behavior" problems and what you can do about them

Why is my dog not eating? Why has my cat stopped using her litter box? Why are they always fighting? If my pet dies, will it come back to me in a different body? Questions such as this puzzle and plague pet owners. In "What Your Animals Tell Me" Dr. Monica asks the animals directly and often receives surprising answers. Through actual case stories, this book will open your eyes to the rich inner world of our pets -- their hopes, fears, concerns, thoughts and feelings. Never again will you say, "It's only an animal". Be prepared to laugh at the humor and cry at the stories of courage, endurance and pure unconditional love that our animal companions have for us.

評点ランク★★★★★ アマゾンJAPAN では全く見つからず [ 推薦! ]  表紙写真 ( 別画面 )

Animal Communication:
 A Self-Help Workbook for Understanding and Living in Harmony with Your Pets
(spiral bound; Carol Alohalani Becker, 2000)
Animal Communication: A Self-Help Workbook is designed to enable any person to teach themselves how to communicate with their animals on a telepathic level. Step by step instruction with spaces available for learners to input observations, experiences and discoveries revealed through work with the material and their animal. All aspects of animal communication are developed in this workbook format from learning to quiet the conscious self to long distance communication with the learner's animal. Additionally, the author makes available her own e mail address and phone number should problems arise in the learner's progress with the material.

 ( 不思議な事に、本職のアニマルコミュニケーターが最も高い評価を付けている本が、まだ一冊も翻訳されていない。これは注目に値する。詳しくはこの後の原書一覧の★マークを参照のこと )


「ヒトはイヌとハエにきけ」( 原題「Kinship with All Life」( J. Allen Boone )1998 講談社 )
 ( ↑改題SB文庫版「動物はすべてを知っている」2005.6.)  ★★★★*

 この原書は、もう30年も前に出版されたアニマルコミュニケーション本の原点ともいえる本である。しかし、現在注目を浴びているアニマルコミュニケーション以上にブッ飛んだ主張をしており、講談社でのハードカバー( タイトルがもう最悪! )が余り売れないまま絶版に至ったのは全く当然と云える。( 今回のソフトバンクパブリッシャーでの文庫化では“よしもとばなな”氏の前え書きとカバー帯に依拠して? そこそこ売れているという。ただ内容がもう余りにも古過ぎる。 )


 その意味ではロン・ハバードの「サイエントロジー」と同様に、著者の哲学的( 形而上学的 )主張をする為の本という印象が強い。

 だが余りにも、修飾的な美辞麗句を並べ立てては、同じ主張の周辺ばかりを( 半ば意図的に核心に触れずに )、抽象的にだけ繰り返し続ける内容なので、アニマルコミュニケーションそのものに、興味を持って読み始めた読者の多くは、途中でウンザリして、つい投げ出してしまいたくなるだろう。後半に入っての、短く記された犬以外の動物の事例の方が、ずっと面白いし意味も深い。

 この本がアメリカで発売当時( 30年も前だが )ベストセラーになった理由は、ストロングハートというこの犬が、ハリウッドで最初のしかも最大最高の動物スターであって、アメリカの多くの人々が、子供の頃に見た、その有名な犬の話を読みたがっていたということに尽きると思われる。

あなたの帰りがわかる犬―人間とペットを結ぶ不思議な力 工作舎 ★★★★
ルパート・シェルドレイク (著), 田中 靖夫 (翻訳)  ; ISBN: 4875023693 ; (2003/01)
Rupert Sheldrake (原著), 価格: ¥2,730 (税込) 【実売2000部は越えた/初版3000部】
売上ランキング: 144,516位 単行本: 441 p ; サイズ(cm): 19 x 13

ヒトは本当に猫と話せるのか?  アーティストハウスパブリッシャーズ ★★★★
ソニア フィッツパトリック (著), 羽田 詩津子 (翻訳)
Cat Talk: The Secrets of Communicating with Your Cat  Sonya Fitzpatrick (原著),
単行本: 286 p ; サイズ(cm): 19 x 13  ¥1,680 (税込) ; ISBN: 4902088177 ; (2003/09) 売上ランキング: 246,173位  【初版5000部のまま】



1 動物たちと“話して”いた子供の頃
2 猫の目を通した世界
3 猫を癒すために
4 幸せな猫
5 猫の行儀の問題と破壊行為
6 猫が家を出るとき
7 トイレの問題
8 猫の健康的な食べ物と栄養
9 猫の安全のために
10 猫は生まれ変わる

ペットからの不思議なメッセージ 駿台曜曜社 ; ISBN: 4896921542 ; (1997/12) ★★★★
ソーニア フィツパトリック (著), パトリシア・バークハート スミス (著), 望月 みどり (翻訳)
Sonya Fitzpatrick (原著), Patricia Burkhart Smith (原著),
エ 03-3257-3171 東京都千代田区神田須田町2丁目11協友ビル8階 9月に廃業につき絶版
価格: ¥1,470 (税込)単行本(ソフトカバー) - 291p 【返本分は断裁 残部78部/初版4,000部】
売上ランキング: 295,121位

内容;もっと大きい水槽が欲しい、なんで靴や服に粗相をするのかって言うとね…。ペットが何を伝えたいか、あなたには分かりますか? 愛する動物たちともっと深く通じ合うテレパシーの方法を、実例と共に紹介。

第1章 小さな豚の大きな耳―私の幼年時代
第2章 動物が伝える面白い噂話―私と動物のコミュニケーションの始まり
第3章 悪いのはペットではありません―けんかやそのほかの行動の問題
第4章 トイレの憂鬱―室内のしつけと排泄のトラブル
第5章 ウイスキーがはじめてサリーに逢ったとき―新しい動物をペット家族に加えるには
第6章 サニーの規則正しいスケジュール―日課の重要性
第7章 エンゼルガイドとの治療―あなたのペットが病気のとき
第8章 私の小さな犬は、どこへ行ってしまったの?―いなくなったペット
第9章 ペットが見たものは―ペットはあなたを観察している
第10章 もし動物と話せたら―ペットとのコミュニケーション
第11章 叫び声と囁きと―野生動物とのコミュニケーション
第12章 愛をこめてさようなら―いとしいペットの死を乗り越えるには

アニマル・コミュニケーター 出版社: ヴォイス ; ISBN: 4899760213 ; (2001/12) ★★★★*
エ 03-5474-5777  東京都港区西麻布3丁目24−17西麻布広瀬ビル2階
リディア・ヒビー (著), ボニー・S・ワイントラーブ (著), 越宮 照代 (翻訳)
Lydia Hiby (原著), Bonnie S. Weintraub (原著),
単行本: 301 p ; サイズ(cm): 19 x 13 価格: ¥1,680 (税込) 【初版2000部 在庫なし】 売上ランキング: 35,494 位



第1章 動物と双方交信できる素晴らしさ
第2章 動物の感情
第3章 犬の物語
第4章 想いにふける猫
第5章 ベルベットの肌触り
第6章 見知らぬ世界
第7章 迷子になったペット
第8章 魂になった動物たち
第9章 動物とコミュニケーションをはかる方法

Lydia Hiby
「Leesa」「48Hours」「Late night with David Letterman」「Tonight Show with Jay Leno」など数々のテレビ番組やラジオ番組に出演、また「ワシントン・ポスト」「ロサンゼルス・タイムズ」「シカゴ・トリビューン」「USA Today」など、主要新聞でも特集されている。

Bonnie S.Weintraub


あなたもペットと話ができる 学研  価格: ¥1,470 (税込) ★★★★*
ペネローペ・スミス (著), 金子 みちる (翻訳), 堤 裕司 単行本 - 177p (2002/11)
Penelope Smith (原著),
エ 03-5434-1523 土屋氏 ( ムー )【まだ実売1万部程だがコンスタントに売れてる。初版】 売上ランキング: 17,372 位



金子 みちる

堤 裕司

 以下は、現職 Cathleen Bererd の推薦するアニマル・コミュニケーター原著一覧
 ( かつてBBCで紹介された著名人だが、本人自身はまだ自分の本を出していない。 )

 奇妙な事に比較的 評点の低い本ばかりが翻訳されているので、上記の原書は末尾近くに在る。

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書が見当たらず [ 推薦分と重複 ]
What Your Animals Tell Me: Through True Stories, An Animal Communicator Reveals the Fascinating and Heart-Warming Inner World of Our Pets
(Monica Diedrich, 2001)
In this book, you will learn:

* How to communicate with your pets
* How to help heal them and relieve suffering or stress
* Whether animals have souls
* Where they go when they die
* How they communicate from the other side
* That they understand about death and euthanasia
* They take pride in their appearance
* How they establish a pecking order
* That they love us totally and unconditionally
* Why they have "behavior" problems and what you can do about them

Why is my dog not eating? Why has my cat stopped using her litter box? Why are they always fighting? If my pet dies, will it come back to me in a different body? Questions such as this puzzle and plague pet owners. In "What Your Animals Tell Me" Dr. Monica asks the animals directly and often receives surprising answers. Through actual case stories, this book will open your eyes to the rich inner world of our pets -- their hopes, fears, concerns, thoughts and feelings. Never again will you say, "It's only an animal". Be prepared to laugh at the humor and cry at the stories of courage, endurance and pure unconditional love that our animal companions have for us.

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず [ 推薦分と重複 ]
Awakening to Animal Voices: A Teen Guide to Telepathic Communication
(Dawn Baumann Brunke, 2004).
Although written for teens, this book is a must for any adult interested in animal communication! My friend Dawn describes her book as follows:
The focus of this book is on engaging our natural abilities to connect, commune and talk with animals. Animal communication is explored as a primary tool, as is developing a variety of experiential skills through meeting animal guides, exploring animal myths, and observing and participating in animal encounters (from meeting animals in the everyday world to in our dreams and via shamanic voyaging techniques). We also explore developing a partnership with animals (including our fellow humans) via healing, shapeshifting and becoming more conscious in sharing death experiences.

Awakening to Animal Voices explores a diversity of simple, elegant and easy tools, methods, ideas, exercises, experiments and games that can help us to open ourselves and deepen in our relationships. As each individual relates to the world in a unique way, the focus of information is on variety. This book looks at -- and celebrates -- the richness of the many diverse ways we may open to the essential oneness of animals, others, and ourselves, and, as a result, express a fuller, more consciously alive, awakened self in the world.

This book teaches teens how to connect with animals and the world at large in a deeper, more meaningful way. It shows how telepathic communication with animals can enhance all teen [and adult!] relationships with nature, themselves, and others. Contains exercises, games, and visualizations to enter into communication with all life. Includes conversations between animals and professional animal communicators.

As companions, helpers, and spiritual guides, animals have always held a special relationship with the human community. Awakening to Animal Voices helps teens [and as noted, adults] access their natural ability to communicate with the animal kingdom and open more profoundly to life, other human beings, and the deeper nature within themselves.

Through games, exercises, experiments, and stories, teens will learn to tune into the subtler whispers of nature. They will discover their personal animal guide and learn the spiritual tools of shamanic journeys, dreamwork, visualizations, and shapeshifting. Filled with advice from animal communication professionals and actual conversations with animals, Awakening to Animal Voices is an invitation to explore our inner way of knowing; to communicate more effectively with others; and to express a more consciously alive self in the world

評点ランク★★★★★ アマゾンJAPAN では見つからず [ 推薦分と重複 ]
Animal Communication:
 A Self-Help Workbook for Understanding and Living in Harmony with Your Pets
(spiral bound; Carol Alohalani Becker, 2000)
Animal Communication: A Self-Help Workbook is designed to enable any person to teach themselves how to communicate with their animals on a telepathic level. Step by step instruction with spaces available for learners to input observations, experiences and discoveries revealed through work with the material and their animal. All aspects of animal communication are developed in this workbook format from learning to quiet the conscious self to long distance communication with the learner's animal. Additionally, the author makes available her own e mail address and phone number should problems arise in the learner's progress with the material.

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず  表紙写真 ( 別画面 )
The Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating with Animals
(Carol Gurney, 2001)
The humananimal spiritual connection is a powerful one. In this astounding guide, renowned animal communicator Carol Gurney draws upon fifteen years of successful communication with animals to offer animal lovers what theyユve always longed for: a simple, effective method for listening to and communicating with their animals. Based on her successful 7-step HeartTalk ProgramSM, which has already helped thousands of people understand their basic telepathic connection with animals, Gurney outlines the principles of heart-to-heart communication, showing you how to open your heart to a more meaningful connection with the animals you love. Learn how to:

* Understand your animalユs needs, feelings, and innermost thoughts so you can discover who he or she really is * Develop long-distance communication skills to locate lost or stolen animals * Understand animalsユ physical feelings so you can help comfort them when they are sick or injuredハ * Emotionally prepare yourself for the death of your beloved animal * Discover how animals can be your best teachers in helping you to love yourself * Actually communicate telepathically with the loving beings that share your world!

Animals are not only our loyal companions; they are our guides, our healers, our link to the simple wisdom of the natural world. Filled with amazing real-life stories of humananimal communication, The Language of Animals is a must for every animal enthusiast and a loving gift to the engaging, expressive animals who have so much to share.

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず
You Can Talk to Your Animals: Animal Communicators Tell You How
(Janine Adams, 2000)
Offers advice from the top animal communicators in the country. What readers learn will help them open their minds and hearts to form stronger bounds with their animals and will provide a unique opportunity for them to have a real, open dialogue with their pets. Author Janine Adams and thousands of others have found a way to communicate with their animals beyond guessing. The techniques in this book will allow the reader into their animals' thoughts to locate the center of a behavior problem or illness; uncover the latest mysterious history in the case of an adopted shelter animal; aid in the rescue of a lost pet; contact a deceased animal; and much more! Actual case studies are used to illustrate the effective power of animal communication, and experts in the field reveal their own secrets for tapping into the animal mind.

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず
Animal Voices: Telepathic Communication In the Web of All Life
(Dawn Baumann Brunke, 2002)
Animals ranging from mosquitoes to elephants use their own words to guide humanity to a deeper spiritual awakening. * Contains interviews with 25 professional animal communicators and over 100 different animals and animal spirits. * Provides a thrilling glimpse of the possibilities of direct animal-human dialogue.

According to Echo, an Arabian mare, "Humans are beings of love who have forgotten what love is and who they are." Along with a host of other animal communicators, Dawn Baumann Brunke gives animals like Echo a voice--a direct line of communication to the human mind. Through Animal Voices, the animal kingdom delivers a message about deepening our spirituality and reconnecting with the web of life.

Our earliest ancestors had an ongoing shamanic dialogue with the animal kingdom, but this ability has been lost to most in the modern world. Brunke provides the techniques to reopen these connections, reminding us that when we are open to communication with animals, we are open to deeper layers of ourselves.

The main contributors to this book are actual animals, who reveal themselves to be sentient beings with their own thoughts, emotions, and spiritual reasons for being on the planet. How Brunke overcame her initial skepticism and learned to hear their voices is a fascinating story. Throughout Animal Voices the author integrates her own reflections with those of the animals she interviews. The result is something that will delight animal lovers and force skeptics to reconsider their ideas about the nature of animal consciousness and the possibility of telepathic human-animal communication.

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず
Straight from the Horse's Mouth: How to Talk to Animals and Get Answers
(Amelia Kinkade, June 2001)
"This is not a book of outrageous stories about supernatural abilities you do not possess. This is a book of outrageous stories about natural abilities all humans possess." (From the Author's Prologue: "My Promise to You")ハ You already share a deep, loving bond with your animal. But what if you could enrich that bond even more? What if you could also listen -- and truly understand? What if your cat could reveal his mischievous secrets (not that he would) and your dog could tell you about her day? What if you could assure her you'd be back soon or assuage her fear of a visit to the vet? Would you like to know how to help her stop biting? Would you like to know why your show horse has stopped jumping? Would you like to know if your iguana is in pain? What if, when the time comes, you could say good-bye heart to heart?

You can. Amelia Kinkade, professional interspecies communicator, will show you how. In Straight from the Horse's Mouth, she shares the program she developed that has helped hundreds of her clients break through the only barrier that really separates people from any other animal: skepticism. Using guided meditations and other exercises in this book designed to increase intuition, you can literally learn to "talk with the animals," share memories and make plans, negotiate house rules or mediate sibling rivalries, diagnose illness, track a disappearance, accept one another's differences, and find each other again. Read Amelia Kinkade's adventures in animal communication in all their hilarity, passion, and tenderness, and know that you can join her.

Practice her exercises, and you will. Hear the chorus of troubled and endangered species, and learn what you can do to help. There will be no stopping the conversation.ハ Let Straight from the Horse's Mouth -- as practical as it is inspiring -- be your guide to better interspecies relationships, and it will change your life and your animal companions' lives too. That's our promise to you.

評点ランク★★★★★ アマゾンJAPAN では見つからず
Is Your Pet Psychic? Developing Psychic Communication with Your Pet
(Richard Webster, 2002)
You probably know about some of the amazing feats regularly accomplished by animals, from salmon who navigate through hundreds of miles of water to their birthplace to spawn, to bloodhounds who can track the tiniest trace of a scent with noses one million times stronger than ours. Although psychic powers such as telepathic communication have yet to be explained by modern science, all animals, both human and nonhuman, have the potential. But like any talent, psychic talent must be developed and practiced.

Part collection of amazing animal stories, part psychic manual, Is Your Pet Psychic? is your guide to understanding and developing your pet's psychic powers. Read extraordinary tales of animal heroes, animal ghosts, and more. Discover how you can test your pet's psychic abilities. Learn how to communicate telepathically with your pet. The exercises in this book will help you and your pet develop the natural psychic potential inherent within all living things. As you experiment with them you will explore one of the true wonders of nature, and strengthen the special bond you share with your pet.

評点ランク★★★★★ 訳書見当たらず
Supernatural: The Unseen Power of Animals
(John Downer, 1999)
A reader review: "John Downer's Supernatural provides a companion to the BBC television show, charting the boundaries between science and the supernatural with an examination of extrasensory perception and unusual animal abilities. From life forms which survive under the most adverse conditions to the hidden language of animals, this surveys some extraordinary abilities of the animal world."

評点ランク★★★★★ アマゾンJAPAN ではで見つからず
The Pet Whisperer: Stories About My Friends the Animals
(Stephen R. Blake, DVM, 2003)
Dr. Blake has written The Pet Whisperer ェ, which is a book about his friends the animals and their caregivers. The book is filled with true stories about cats to elephants, which he has treated over the past 30 years. You will laugh and you will cry but in the end you will come away with a feeling of HOPE. The stories reflect the feelings of the animals, their caregivers and Dr Blake. He has also included a resource section to help animal lovers find alternative veterinary care and natural products for keeping their pets healthy.ハ Order directly from Dr. Blake at

評点ランク★★★★★ アマゾンJAPAN ではで見つからず
The Daisy Sutra
(Helen Weaver, 2000)
The Daisy Sutra is Helen Weaver's memoir of her dog Daisy and the true story of her discovery of animal communication. One reviewer called it"a deep and touching story of the soul bond of a human being and her dog through death and beyond." It is illustrated with twenty-five pen and ink drawings by artist Alan McKnight. It includes an interview with an animal communicator, a special message to skeptics, and a list of recommended resources.

Talking With Horses: A Study of Communication Between Man and Horse
(Henry Blake, 1992)ハ

Communicating With Animals: The Spiritual Connection Between People and Animals
(Arthur Myers, 1997)
Most people have told their dog to "sit" or heard the insistent meows of a cat at dinnertime, but thousands are discovering that they can actually carry on meaningful, nonverbal conversations with animals. In Communicating with Animals, veteran reporter Arthur Myers explores the phenomenon of human-animal communication in hundreds of case studies. Readers will learn the history of animal communication, compelling evidence of animal reincarnation, and how to use their untapped mind power to form psychic links with animals.

The Tao of Equus:
 A Woman's Journey of Healing and Transformation Through the Way of the Horse
(Linda Kohanov, 2001)
The Tao of Equus considers the mystical nature of horses and the magical connection between horses and humans. Equine therapist Linda Kohanov tells of an extraordinary spiritual awakening she experienced with her black mare, Rasa. This incident led her to investigate the apparent metaphysical as well as scientific aspects of the human-horse bond. Using neurological research, cultural history, mythology, and firsthand anecdotes from years of teaching and facilitating equine therapy, Kohanov examines the profound communion that people, and women in particular, often experience with horses. Some of the areas Kohanov explores are how the equine mind compares with the human mind, and what horses can teach humanity.

Audiocassette Telepathic Communication: A Compassionate Journey (Jeri Ryan Ph. D., 1997 - order from

評点ランク★★★★* 既刊「ヒトはイヌとハエにきけ」( 講談社1998 ) ↓
      改題「動物はすべてを知っている」( ソフトバンクパブリッシャー文庫2005.6. )
Kinship With All Life
(J. Allen Boone, 1976)
Is there a universal language of love, a "kinship with all life" that can open new horizons of experience?ハ Example after example in this unique classic -- from "Strongheart" the actor-dog to "Freddie" the fly -- resounds with entertaining and inspiring proof that communication with animals is a wonderful, indisputable fact. All that is required is an attitude of openness, friendliness, humility, and a sense of humor to part the curtain and form bonds of real friendship.ハ For anyone who loves animals, for all those who have ever experienced the special devotion only a pet can bring, Kinship With All Life is an unqualified delight. Sample these pages and you will never encounter "just a dog" again, but rather a fellow member of nature's own family.

評点ランク★★★★*  既刊 「アニマル・コミュニケーター」( Voice )
Conversations with Animals:
 Cherished Messages and Memories as Told By An Animal Communicator
(Lydia Hiby, 1998)
An "animal communicator" relates what she has learned by speaking to animals over the years. "Conversations with Animals" documents Hiby's amazing gift and contains stories about dogs, cats, horses, exotic pets, lost pets, and pets who have died. 20 photos.

評点ランク★★★★*  既刊「あなたもペットと話ができる」 ( 学研 )
Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication  
(Penelope Smith, 1999) 

評点ランク★★★★ 既刊「ペットからの不思議なメッセージ」( 駿台曜曜社 ) 2005.9.に絶版
What the Animals Tell Me
(Sonya Fitzpatrick, 2003)
OPEN THE TELEPATHIC CHANNEL TO YOUR PET-with advice from Animal Planet's resident pet psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick.

If you could talk to the animals, what would they say? Here, in the pages of this remarkable book, renowned pet psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick reveals the secrets of the animal world-and teaches you how to learn the telepathic language that animals understand.

Dogs, cats, horses, reptiles, and wild animals of every stripe-and spot-all have a story to tell. Pets have unique ways of communicating, often ignored or misunderstood by their human companions-leading to behavioral problems. By relating her own discovery of her telepathic and healing gifts and by sharing the true stories of her "clients," Sonya helps owners get into their pets' minds and uncover the root issues of the most common problems: scratching, chewing, soiling, barking, and more. She also offers messages of hope and healing as she talks to pets from beyond the grave.

You'll read the stories of Sparky, a dog whose deliberate accidents pointed to an intense dislike of his owner's new boyfriend...Zuki and Spika, two iguanas Sonya helped to live together in peace...Brass, the horse whose abusive past threatened to destroy his relationship with his new owner...and Magic the cat, whose heart problems were healed by Sonya's techniques-plus incredible true tales of pets lost and found using Sonya's telepathy.

Along with practical information on care and feeding, emergency preparedness, illness, moving, and introducing new pets to the household, Sonya shares her seven simple steps to communicating with your pet. You'll gain a deeper understanding, improve your relationship, and even stop behavioral problems before they start. So tune into your own telepathic channel and learn how to talk to the animals-with the Animal Planet's Sonya Fitzpatrick.

評点ランク★★★★ 既刊「あなたの帰りがわかる犬」( 工作舎 )
Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals: An Investigation
(Rupert Sheldrake, 1999)
Fascinating book! It's rare for a book's title to say so clearly what the book is about. In the case of Rupert Sheldrake's latest work, the controversial content is right on the front cover. Pet owners will see it and smile in recognition; skeptical scientists will shake their heads and mutter about "maverick scholars." We all know of cases of dogs (and cats) who know when their owners are coming home, who go to wait at the door or window 10 minutes or more before their human arrives. Conditioned by the tight rigor of contemporary scientific thinking, we either look for rational explanations or we file the phenomenon away in our minds as "unexplained" and are careful not to talk about it with our scientist friends. Sheldrake has shown in the past that he is not afraid to be labeled a rebel, thanks to his theory of morphic resonance, which suggests the following:

Natural systems, or morphic units, at all levels of complexity are animated, organized, and coordinated by morphic fields, which contain an inherent memory. Natural systems inherit this collective memory from all previous things of their kind by a process called morphic resonance, with the result that patterns of development and behavior become increasingly habitual through repetition. Sheldrake believes that the "telepathy" between pets and humans, or between flocks of birds or schools of fish that move as a single organism, can be explained by this theory. Sheldrake is less persuaded by anecdotes that suggest animal clairvoyance--warning of something in the near future--but refuses to disallow the possibility.

He accepts that the case histories he details so thoroughly in this book are anecdotal, but that makes them no less real; and as a scientist himself he sets up experimental conditions for studying this previously ignored phenomenon that show beyond any doubt that the phenomenon exists. He castigates traditional scientists for their refusal to countenance anything that doesn't fit in with their existing paradigms (or prejudices) and challenges them to come up with some more "acceptable" explanation--but none is forthcoming.

This fascinating book is a first attempt at a scientific investigation into a puzzling but quite common occurrence. One hopes that other scientists will follow Sheldrake's brave lead.

Spoken in Whispers: The Autobiography of a Horse Whisperer
(Nicci MacKay, 1998)
She's not just an observer. She's an active participant who actually talks to the animals -- and understands what they are saying.

Since the dawn of time, animals have communicated with one another. Now a remarkable woman hears their language and communicates directly with them. In this heartwarming account, you'll learn how Nicci Mackay transforms the lives of owner and animal. There's Aristotle, the naughty stallion with a heart of gold; Hector, the abused horse who learns to trust again; Gnasher, the balky herd-dog who makes a remarkable comeback; and Charlie, the forlorn spaniel who convinces Nicci that he doesn't need -- and will not tolerate -- a leg amputation.

Nicci Mackay is an enchanting storyteller who recounts a miraculous life dedicated to animals. In her years spent as a groom and jockey, she "spoke" in secret. Now she interprets everywhere on behalf of horses, as well as other animals. From horses to hounds, sheep to sheepdogs, these four-legged friends share the inability to speak to humans. But as the animals' translator, Mackay is second to none in making their voices heard.

Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature
(Marta Williams and Cheryl Schwartz, 2003)
Almost everyone has had a moment when they've felt a strong connection to an animal. Animal communicator Marta Williams says this is the basis of animal communication and it's a skill anyone can learn. Williams's background as a scientist informs her logical, step-by-step approach to learning the "language" of animals - a process combining mental imagery, visualization, deep listening, and tuning in to one's intuition. 瓷ncluding photographs, a basic primer on intuition, and chapters on troubleshooting and transforming self-doubt, this guide of practical advice and proven techniques are interwoven with inspiring real-life accounts.

評点ランク★★★*  既刊はこちらかも知れない? 学研
When Animals Speak: Advanced Interspecies Communication
(Penelope Smith, 1999)
Penelope Smith is one of the world's foremost experts on telepathic interspecies communication. In this book, previously self-published under the title Animals: Our Return to Wholeness, she catalogs what she has learned in her conversations with animals -- insights into life, death, healing, wholeness, spirituality, and humans.

( 追記 )
 2005.6.9.に日本テレビ「志村動物園」に取上げられた Joyce Leak という女性アニマルコミニュケーターの著書については、アマゾンの検索では見つからず。


 スーパープロデュース( 番組制作会社 ) エ 03-3586-7077 野津( 女性 )
 ( 以前、テレ朝「ビートたけしの!こんなはずでは!ケネディ暗殺事件編」の番組制作会社 )


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